Parenting is a long term commitment that does not come with any handbook. Well, it may do at some forms but they may only serve as a guide. At some point, support to child care may be asked implicitly. Why is there a need for all of these?
Watching a child struggle is heart breaking. Even if parents would want to, they cannot fix what their kid cannot. At the end of the day, the endeavor involves taking care of the child while letting him grow up independently too. Yes, this means that he should be allowed to make mistakes. Quite confusing right? All the while, you thought protecting him or her from the chaos of life is the only way to get through it. But just like diamonds, they should be under pressure too.
The least thing parents should do is to prepare themselves on what lies ahead. What are the common issues that may be stumbled upon in the process?
Common Parenting Issues
- Love the kid you have
Sounds simple. However, it may ask a lot from the parents. Accepting the child as he or she is the answer here. While it is true that the parents may have a dream for their offspring, it would be the kid to decide what he or she wants to be. Just be in full support.
- Let the child go through pain and discomfort
Pain is a natural way of life. It will make your kid strong. Maybe, it would ask you to look away for a while. That is a part of it. The goal for this is to enable the child to learn from experience. Through this way, they will remain reasonable. They will be able to control their life too.
- Let the child face judgment
Children with challenging behavior are pretty normal. If you find yourself being judged – that is normal. Your child may embarrass or disappoint you in any way. Do not wallow on those. Again, this is a part of parenting. Positive reinforcement is still the answer here. Be a mind reader and practice positive talk.
- Let go
No parent is exempted of this. There will be a phase when letting go is vital. This may be during the child’s pre-adolescence to adolescence stage. This will have to be confronted. This will enable your kid to learn. Do not take away the chance for your kid to take bold risks. This will make them braver and stronger in the process. This important part of their life should be entrusted to them. So, let go and give them the space they need to learn.
It would be impossible to protect your children from all of the bad experiences they may be faced with in the future. They are subject to poor choices so with that, you have no other option but to guide and help. Every journey in this venture is still a learning experience. No one will ever be prepared.