Getting email subscribers for your mailing list can provide a huge boost to your business. The costs for running a blog can add up when you factor in advertising, hosting, image purchasing, graphics, SEO experts, writer’s fees, and other miscellaneous purchases. If you aren’t doing your best to maximize your return on investment, running a blog or website can become more costly than beneficial. For many websites that sell products and services, the subscriber list is crucial.
Here are a few tips on getting more subscribers:
1) Sell your email list. Simply putting a form on your website that allows visitors to sign up will not do the trick—especially when you’re looking for long term results. Your landing page should discuss the benefits of becoming a subscriber and the value you offer. Use social media and guest posts to further propel this.
2) Offer free thing. Offering your site visitors incentives to subscribe works very well for your email list. This can include a free e-book or course that offers insightful information and will keep the subscriber coming back. A service like Aweber hosts your email list and sends out free materials upon subscribing.
3) Advertise. To get your name out there, it could be very useful to advertise via Google and social media platforms with strong advertising models, like Facebook. Set your budget and only pay what you can afford to advertise. With so many different options for placing advertisements, there’s no reason not to give it a try.