SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics; it is the paths, circles or rectangles which are created using XML for designing backgrounds on WebPages. These are responsive images that are better than bitmap images. SVG works with 2-D graphics; there are various codes to displays shapes, curves, and lines, and you can write these codes on your own in XML or can export the pre-existing code.
A number of benefits may be counted when considering SVG; few of them are listed below:
- SVG images are small size files as compared to bitmap images.
- They are easily scalable and resized without degrading the quality of the image; they are resized in browsers.
- You can select and copy the SVG text.
- This image code is readable and can be accessed by the search engine and other readers.
- SVG can be animated, and the SVG images can be combined with DOM, Javascript, and CSS.
- Has good browser support no need of any specific browser.
Ways to Create SVG
SVG images can be easy created using a number of tools such as Adobe illustrator or in any other graphic software. SVG is an open source you can find the code anywhere without any licenses or fees. There are a number of packages in software that support SVG format and includes an option of export SVG. If you don’t have any vector editing software, then you can simply copy or write the code in text editor and display in HTML.
In HTML, you can display SVG codes in a number of ways like SVG as image, iframe, data URI or as an object and inline SVG. You just need to write the code or export .svg file and include this inline code in your HTML page.
Uses of SVG Images
- You can set SVG image as a background using a CSS file. Include .svg file in the CSS to get a vector image.
- You can design charts, animations or graphics program by using SVG images including your own text and solid color or animations. This is a fun way of designing your own graphics.
- You can use SVG for design website icons or menu bars, customize and resize images and apply different themes.
- SVG can be used anywhere in JPEG, GIF or PNG formats, in these you can provide graphic or drawing instructions.
- The best thing about SVG is it can easily fit in the Web page; this is very useful for small devices such as tablets of phones where the web page can easily fit the screen and also for large devices where it won’t lose the picture quality.
In all, a good and simple graphic option is SVG although it cannot convert photos but is a great option for other formats. With good browser compatibility with almost all top browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari, it can give you great background image quality of your site on all these browsers. So if you are not using SVG for your web pages then start using this fun way of creativity and scalable designing.