Not everyone has the time to take their valuable jewellery to jewellers and have them clean them for you. While it’s going to be the most effective method, it’s not ideal for the busy professional with no time to spare.
Below, we’ve included a range of home methods for cleaning jewellery. However, take note of your jewellery’s warranty information. If it’s within its warranty period, non-jeweller cleaning methods can void them.
Is your beautiful diamond beginning to look a little dull? Has it lost the sparkle that always drew people’s eyes to it? Toothpaste could be the answer. If you put a small amount of toothpaste onto a toothbrush you no longer use, you can transform that dull diamond in an instant. Gently brush over the diamond then clean off the remaining paste with a damp cloth. It will be back to its former glory in no time.
While not strictly using foil, it can be a helpful addition to another cleaning solution. However, once again, we recommend contacting your jewellers for them to clean your treasured possessions professionally.
To clean with tinfoil, mix powered laundry detergent (bleach-free) and hot water together within a tinfoil-lined bowl. Add your jewellery and soak it for 60 seconds. Remove the jewellery, rinse them, then leave them to air dry. The tin foil mixes with the laundry powder to form an active silverware cleaning liquid.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is something everyone has at home, and while it’s helpful for baking, it’s equally as beneficial for metal tarnish. When your silver jewellery has built-up tarnish, and you don’t have time to see jewellers, you can mix a quarter of a cup of baking soda with two tablespoons of water. This combination will form a paste. Put it onto a wet sponge and rub over the metal. You can then rinse it and buff it to dry it. However, do not use this method if your jewellery has set stones or pearls. It can loosen the set.
Note: You can add vinegar to the baking soda and rinse and clean gold jewellery like this as well.
Jewellers are always going to the best place to clean your jewellery – especially when you want a professional finish, or your jewellery is within a warranty period. However, if you want a quick fix when you have no time, tinfoil, baking soda, and toothpaste can all be of assistance.