You may think a lot about how to be eco-friendly when choosing new fencing options, but what about when your fence is sadly in need of replacing? Before calling those fencing contractors it’s a good idea to think just what you can do with that old fence to keep it out of landfill.
There are many things you can do with old fences, but much depends on what the fence is made of. Timber is the most versatile material, so has the most options when it comes to repurposing. There is absolutely no need to send an old timber fence to landfill when it can live again as something else.
Here are some tips for re-using timber from a fence.
- Don’t just pull up those timber posts and knock down the palings for nothing. At the very least, if you or one of your friends has a fireplace, the timber in the fence can be used for firewood.
- You could keep the timber stacked up ready to take on camping holiday to places where you provide your own firewood.
- If allowed, use it to light fires in the backyard at night to toast marshmallows. Kids love this kind of thing.
- Have the good parts cut up to use for a dog kennel or cubby house.
- Offer it to the local wood turners association for recycling.
- Someone could make wooden toys, pens or seats out of it.
- Try a DIY project to make a garden seat or bench out of it for yourself or a friend.
- Use some of it to make a bird feeder stand.
- Use the palings to line your garden edges. This could look like a miniature picket fence around the garden bed.
- Sand it smooth and cut it into building blocks for the little ones. They’ll get hours of play out of the assorted lengths and shapes.
- Donate it to the local school for their bonfire night, or for craft projects.
- Offer it to the local high school to be used in the wood-working or industrial design classes.
- Keep it to use in your next DIY renovation or addition.
- Re-cut it to make a playpen for baby.
- Make a boardwalk or a fancy pot-plant stand or container with it.
- Send it to a recycling centre.
- Offer it to a custom picture framing person, or learn to make picture frames from it yourself.
Remember to use gloves and safety goggles when working with timber. If you don’t want to re-use your old timber fence, stack it up outside your gate and put a Free sign on top. Someone else might want to use it for something.