In general, laser eye surgery is expensive, but it can save you a lot of money in the long-term. Different types of surgery can cost different amounts, and more experienced surgeons often charge more.
However, it’s also worth understanding that many providers offer long-term payment solutions designed for those who can’t afford to pay for their surgery up front. These are usually a great option for those who are considering surgery, but who don’t have huge savings or a high income.
In the rest of this article we’re going to cover the average cost of laser eye surgery in Australia, along with possible rebates and other payment solutions. Let’s jump straight into it!
How Much Should I Expect to Pay for Laser Eye Surgery in Australia?
Different types of laser eye surgery cost different amounts, and some surgeons charge significantly more than others. However, in general you can expect to pay something in the following vicinity:
LASIK – Usually, LASIK, or laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis, costs something between $2,200 and $3,400 per eye. But prices can increase for highly experienced surgeons with a strong reputation.
SMILE – SMILE, or small incision lenticule extraction, generally costs more than LASIK surgery. Prices tend to range from $3,300 to $3,700 per eye.
ASA – ASA, or advanced surface ablation, is also known as PRK or LASEK. It’s a more invasive procedure than LASIK or SMILE, but still has great success rates. In general, costs range from $2,400 to $3,400 per eye.
Note that the prices quoted here are averages, and you might pay more or less depending on your situation and the surgeon you use.
Will My Laser Eye Surgery Be Covered By Medicare?
Unfortunately, Laser Eye Surgery is treated as a cosmetic procedure, and it isn’t usually covered by Medicare. However, there are cases where it is used to treat an underlying condition or disease, and then it could be.
But, those fortunate enough to have private health insurance will usually be able to claim at least some benefit. The exact amount will depend on your insurer and policy, but it’s worth asking them to find out.
Do I Have to Pay Upfront for My Laser Surgery?
Fortunately, most eye surgeons offer long-term payment plans to help people afford laser eye surgery. These tend to come in one or two-year forms, with repayments usually starting from around $59 per week over two years.
Once again, speak with your local surgeon to find out what repayment plans they offer and how they could work for your situation.
Final Word
Ultimately, laser eye surgery is an expensive procedure. You can expect to pay upwards of $2,000 per eye, and it won’t generally be covered by Medicare.
However, most private health-insurance funds will cover most or all of the cost of laser eye surgery. Alternatively, most providers offer some sort of long-term plan with affordable weekly repayments.
Once again, ask your local eye surgeon for more information!