Most of us have read about the benefits of exercise and know it keeps us fit and helps us lose weight. That is not to say everyone does what they know is good for them. Seniors especially may give up on doing exercise simply because they cannot keep up and kind of exercise they did when they were young. Besides, if you have arthritis or some other debilitating condition, it is often very physically difficult to exercise.
However, seniors can certainly benefit from doing a certain amount of exercise.
- It helps to keep the heart healthy
- It lowers blood pressure
- Gets the stiffness out of your limbs
- It improves the circulation and is therefore good to keep your brain in good shape
- Certain kinds of exercise have social benefits as you get out and about and meet people
- Simply meeting a friend on a walk can make you feel heaps better, if you were feeling a bit low beforehand
- Exercise can also help you sleep more soundly
- It makes you stronger so your body will last longer
But it is important not to overdo exercise and if you have other health problems, consult your doctor before you start any new exercise regime.
One trouble with keeping up an exercise regime when you get older is that of motivation. Sitting down with a cuppa and watching television or reading the paper is often less difficult. To make sure you get enough exercise, you need to choose something you really enjoy doing and incorporate that activity with some exercise.
For instance, if you love playing cards or bingo, you may be able to walk to your weekly game rather than driving or catching a bus. If you like to visit your local club, go with a friend and include a couple of dances while you are there. Just enjoy sitting in the sun? Walk to the park, feed the ducks and take a longer route on your way home.
Seniors can no longer play the energetic games they may have enjoyed in their youth, but there are other sports they may be able to participate in. Bowls, golf, croquet are all less energetic than tennis or football. How about line-dancing? Bouncing a ball or a balloon with your grandchildren is also a form of exercise.
Walking is supposed to be one of the best kinds of exercise.
- It’s free
- If you are mobile you can do it
- It gets you out into the sunshine and fresh air
- It can be done in a group or as a loner and
- It can be incorporated into your daily schedule.
Remember, choosing to exercise will keep you healthier for longer.