The application process that you go through to be granted a work visa in Australia might seem fairly straightforward to you, and if you have read and understood every aspect of how the application process works then you may well have all you need to proceed. However according to migration agents Success Migration, for most applicants that is not the position they are in.
Instead, they barely glance at the regulations, they fail to follow the correct process, and then they wonder why their application has been refused. The most likely cause is that they have made one or more of ten of the most common mistakes which result in an applicant’s work visa application being refused. We hope you do not become one of them, and to help you further ensure your application goes smoothly we have listed those ten mistakes which you must avoid.
Not Seeking Advice: If there is one error which if avoided would eradicate almost all the other mistakes work visa applicants make, it is not seeking proper professional advice. Immigration experts and lawyers are there to help, so use them. Also, there are many websites which have useful advice regarding work visas.
Failing To Fully Understand The Visa Process: Following on from our point about seeking advice, if you do not, then you risk not following the proper procedure for a work visa application. This can mean either refusal, or your application not even being processed in the first place due to errors.
Being Disorganised: You need to be organised throughout the application process so have a file or folder that is solely for your visa application paperwork. Also keep a diary of important dates for submission of documents for example, and keep a record of important phone numbers, emails and addresses and websites.
Being Untruthful: This is not so much a mistake but more an act of self-sabotage. Immigration officials check your application thoroughly and if they come across any falsehoods from you it is a red flag that will likely lead to refusal. The only choice is to be truthful at all times. Even exaggeration should be avoided.
Failing To Provide The Required Proof: You must be able to back up your application for a work visa with the evidence that you are asked for. If you cannot, you cannot just say ‘Trust me, I’ve got an honest face’. Unless you have genuine exemptions, gaps in your evidence will risk your application being rejected.
Not Being Aware Of What Health Requirements Apply: Work visas have requirements relating to health and you must meet them, including undergoing a health check. A tip is to undergo a private health assessment prior to the immigration one so that you are aware of any potential issues.
Not Understanding What Character Requirements Will Influence Your Visa Application: Everyone has done things in the past which we regret, and you should be aware your past behaviour could influence the visa decision negatively. This is especially so if you have been convicted of any crimes, even if they were minor.
Making Errors With Regards To The English Requirement: This often causes confusion given that there are various ways in which your level of English can be assessed, and the level of English needed also varies across the various types of visas, with higher-skilled work requiring a higher level of English proficiency.
Not Recognising How Important The Skills Requirements Are For A Work Visa: Just as English level requirements vary across the sub-divisions of work visas, so do skill levels. In truth, you must seek advice as we cannot possibly cover every skill and occupation, and as an applicant, you must know what applies to your employment with respect to your work visa.
Not Appreciating That Your Past Visa History Can Impact Your Current Visa Application: This will only apply to those who have applied previously for a visa of any kind in Australia. If you have, it will be taken into account when decisions about your current application are being made so make sure you have answers for any questions which might arise relating to your visa application history.