We are used to seeing commercial fencing surrounding a construction or work site or a commercial enterprise of some kind. There are several different types of fencing suitable for commercial use; chain mesh fencing, welded mesh, palisade, which is embedded into a concrete footing and garrison, which is similar to palisade but does not reach the ground, so no footing is required.
In addition, each type of fence can have a different kind of top for extra security. This is a top panel or extension of razor wire or electrified wires angled towards the outer side that prevents anyone from climbing over. Such fencing can protect a commercial enterprise, plant or construction site in many ways. Here are some of them.
- It protects the environment both inside and out by keeping out wildlife or straying pets that could not only become injured or die, but cause significant damage to the site and equipment.
- It protects the site and equipment from intentional damage by vandals, thus saving the enterprise from financial loss and the delay in replacing or repairing equipment.
- It protects the actual site from damage that can be caused either accidentally or intentionally.
- It keeps out members of the public that may wander in and cause an accident if they are on a busy site without permission or a hard hat.
- It can save the company from the cost and delay of going to court due to litigation as the person could easily sue the company for damages, even though they were not supposed to be there.