The modern world is expensive. We’ve all got things like rent or a mortgage, phone bills and loan repayments to deal with, which can make one-off expenses hard to handle. Unfortunately, getting your car serviced and maintained can lead to some pretty big bills, especially if you’ve got a luxury vehicle or a 4wd.
MB Star Motors advise that something like a Mercedes Benz service can cost a small fortune. However, even a basic service on a basic car can cost anything from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending what needs to be done. This means that it’s important to make sure that you include your car services in your budget so that you can afford to pay for them when they come around.
First, Work Out How Much An Average Service Costs
The first thing that you should do is work out exactly how much an average service for your car costs. If you’ve got a basic car that doesn’t need a lot of maintenance, an average service should cost less than $200. However, some cars are a lot more expensive to get serviced, especially if you need a highly qualified mechanic or someone with special skills.
If you’ve got a new car and you’re not sure how much you should budget for, call your local mechanic and ask them. They will usually be happy to give you a rough quote. Once you’ve got a number, include it in your weekly budget so that you can afford to pay for your next service.
Make Sure That You Plan For One-Off Costs
Once you’ve worked out how much an average service costs, you need to take into account any one-off costs that your next service might include. Think about things like replacing tyres, brakes or even timing belts. These things can all cost quite a lot more than a normal service, so it’s important to include them in your budget to prevent any unexpected surprises.
Try And Keep A Bit Of Money Aside For Problems
It’s always a good idea to have a bit of money to fall back on if you have problems. Cars are unpredictable at the best of times, and even the most meticulously maintained vehicle can break down when you least expect it.
Because of this, it’s usually a good idea to keep at least a few hundred dollars aside that you can fall back on if you’re car breaks down. Since you can’t include breakdowns and unexpected problems in your budget, it’s important to have these savings so that you don’t find yourself in a situation where you can’t afford to fix your car.
Final Word
Budgeting is a great skill that everyone should learn. However, it’s not without its difficulties. If possible, you should try and include your next car service in your budget, otherwise you might find that you don’t have enough money to pay for it. It’s not that hard, as long as you think about all the costs you’re likely to be facing.