Wrinkles are the bane of modern man, it seems that what once was a sign of the years of experience is no longer something people have to live with.
Botox is a quick fix for wrinkles. It is the #1 non-surgical treatment for signs of aging in the USA. Over 2.5 million procedures are done every year and the number is still climbing.
This is a derivative of the bacterium that causes botulism. Botulism is a potentially fatal illness that is characterized by paralysis. Its very nature is what makes it such a good choice for decreasing the appearance of laugh lines and wrinkles.
Botox is not just a quick fix for wrinkles; medical professionals use it daily to treat overactive muscles, migraine headaches, and swollen prostates.
Many people fear using botox because it may spread to other parts of the body. This is a scare that is being put out there by those who are against its use. The facts are that the chances of it spreading from the very localized area that it is injected into are very slim.
This is not to say that some of the people who are using botox as a quick fix for wrinkles do not experience some side effects. These side effects range from mild to severe. The severe side effects are usually due to an allergic reaction and should be brought to the attention of a medical professional right away.
The downtime with botox is practically nil. A lot of people get the procedure done during their lunch breaks. Botox as a quick fix for wrinkles is a lot better than trying to use creams. These have to be applied daily or every few hours in some cases. Botox is also much cheaper than plastic surgery.
Botox is now being used on hips and thighs, it is one way to smooth that skin and to reduce the appearance of the imperfections. You can help keep the wrinkles at bay homeopathically between injections. Drinking a lot of water (8 glasses at the very least) each day. Keeping the skin hydrated also reduces the visibility of the wrinkles.
Also keep the areas moisturized and avoiding pulling or tugging on the skin around the eyes when applying makeup. Wrinkle cream, olive oil and vitamin E is all products that can help you to maintain your skin and replace vital nutrients. Doing a system Detox could also help you to keep the skin free and clear of toxins like smoke, smog and other agents that are floating on the breeze.
Finally, find a reputable practitioner with lots of experience and knowledge of anatomy before you sit in any chair. While botox is a quick fix for wrinkles being sure that you are getting what you are paying for is the smart way to do this. Research the clinic or person thoroughly before you agree to the consultation. Check to see how they sell the product/treatment, do they charge by area or unit . get answers to your questions and once you are satisfied go for it.