If you are building your home or renovating, flooring is one of the essential components to decide about. What kind of flooring do you like best that will suit your budget and your lifestyle? And don’t forget to think about your future needs. For instance, a young working couple may think their life will go on as it is for many years and before long the removalists are called. It may well do so, but usually couples have children sooner or later and what suits your lifestyle now may not suit it then. Here are 3 reasons why carpet is a good choice for children.
It is safer
Hardwood, vinyl and tiles may seem like a great flooring choice for children, but if you’ve never had any there are some things you may not realise. Sure, babies and children are messy little creatures and likely to throw up on the floor at any given time. Hard floors are much easier to clean than carpet, but they can do damage to your child that carpet never would. How?
Toddlers and little children fall over all the time. Toddlers especially love to climb up on things and often fall off them if you turn your back for two seconds. A fall onto hard tile or even timber can give them concussion or break a limb. Many children break an arm or split a lip from falling off the settee onto a hard floor.
Babies can roll over while you are reaching for the powder after changing their diaper. If they are on a change table, it is a long way down to that hard floor. Carpets don’t break; children do.
It is soft and warm
Children also love to sit on the floor to play their games. They tend to lie on the carpet watching television, or sometimes for a nap. They also like Mummy and Daddy to sit on the floor with them. Sitting on a hard floor is not nearly as comfortable as sitting on carpet, for children or their parents. It is not as warm, either. If you live in a climate where the winters are cold, a carpet will keep those little hands and feet much more comfortable as well as warmer than a hard floor.
It is quieter
Once you have more than one child, noise will be something that you always want to minimise. Waking the baby accidentally will cause screams and yells, a grumpy baby for several hours and takes a lot of effort to prevent, especially when you have energetic toddlers who love to run and jump around the room or in the hall right next to the nursery.
Hardwood floors are noisy for both kids and pets; claws will click-click on both timber and vinyl quite loudly, especially in the middle of the night. Hubby thumping across the floor in his work boots, toddlers crashing their block towers, visitors walking about in high heels – will all be loud enough to wake the baby unless you are fortunate enough to have an upstairs nursery. But with carpet you don’t have to worry about those kinds of noises.
If you are worrying about the carpet getting dirty from all that toddler activity, don’t. Carpets can easily be replaced when the kids grow up a bit. If you choose a budget friendly one to start with, replacing it in ten years time won’t seem so bad. On the other hand, professional carpet cleaning can make your carpet look like new again, should you decide to install something more expensive.