How to Know You Need a Filling
Sometimes when you go and see your dentist, you can get a bit of a shock. You might have thought your teeth were okay, but now, your dentist tells you you need a filling! It can be easy to miss the signs, but they are there. Here are a few of the many ways you can tell that you might need a filling.
You See One Fall Out
Experts at Men’s Health say that fillings usually last around ten years or less, so it’s not uncommon for them to succumb to age and break or fall out eventually. One of the most obvious ways you know you need a new filling is when one comes out. You may notice it’s broken by feeling it with your tongue, or you may spit it out of your mouth while eating. In either case, it’s time to make an appointment with your dentist for a new one.
You’re In Pain
Dental O So Gentle advises that if you don’t remember experiencing any injuries or trauma in your mouth, then the pain you’re feeling in one tooth or several teeth could relate to cavities. If that’s the case, you might need a filling. When your tooth throbs, radiates pain or feels more sensitive when you’re eating or drinking something cold or hot, that can mean you have a cavity in that general vicinity.